
Monday, November 17, 2014

Like a Hole in the Head-A few observations I had while spinning

Originally Posted on an old blog of mine: on  by 

This is the current list.  I'm always taking suggestions for more observations about spinning (proper credit will always be given so send them in).

1) I needed a new hobby like a hole in the head (this observation was made many years ago now but it still holds true.)
2) Don’t walk away from cooking bacon to spin.  You will burn the bacon.
3) Twisting new fibers into a broken thread is best done at high velocity
4) When I’m done making yarn the only think I can do with it is look pleadingly at friends who knit (unless I choose to weave it.  I just don't love knitting.)
5) What spins clockwise un-spins counter clockwise if your not paying attention
6) Having a spindle for each roving you own is overkill but really nice (I don’t, by the way, but I know someone who does.)
7) Spinning reduces stress : having a small helper (cat or child) increases stress
8) My arms are not long enough
9) You can’t snack and spin at the same time so maybe spinning is good for a diet
10) Admiring the large quantity of teal wool you have just spun will not get your sewing done any faster.
11) A fine appreciation of woodworking is not excuse for new spindles just more expensive ones
12) Spinning is not sexy to your spouse
13) Do not tell your husband that you dream of fabric and spinning
14) But do tell him it’s ok to by the lathe so he can make you spindles.
15) Having your husband look at you while spinning and say “that looks tedious and time consuming.  Maybe we should buy you a wheel” may result in his premature death when he turned down funding on a table loom the week before. (I've since solved both of these problems and now own a wheel and a floor loom!  I even still have the husband.)
16) Thinking of these rules while spinning results in uneven thickness and a solid thunk on the floor
17) There are some weddings that are too fancy to take a spindle to.  Truly I have taken my spindles to a wedding before but in my defense it was for the lady who got me addicted to spinning and it was just that kind of wedding.  Also I have not taken my spindles to many weddings and REALLY REALLY wished that I had.
18) There is nothing quite like getting someone else addicted to the fiber arts.  If you sit down by me for more than five minuets, ask what I'm doing, or stare like you want to ask but won't, I WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO DO THIS.  You have been warned.
19) Fiber nuts will "huff" raw fiber because we like the smell of it.  Don't ask us why, we really don't know. But raw wool smells so good! (usually.)
20) The best questions come from kids.  This one came from an adult: "Where did you get the pink sheep?"  (That one is right up there with questions about Tomahawk missiles vs. real tomahawks.  But hay, some scientists have genetically altered fur to glow under black lights, maybe the pink sheep is not such a bad question after all.)
21)   Adding another survival skill to the post-apocalyptic skill set is not a good excuse to take up spinning but who cares.  Who am I kidding, that is a perfect excuse.  As if you really need one.
22) Do not turn around and look, when, having just handed your friends a bag of fiber to fondle, they shout and point "Oh look! A flock of flying turtles!".  Just saying that if you do look, that bag of fiber might not be there anymore.  

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